337.839.0900 5033 US Hwy 90 East, Broussard, LA 70518 | 432.253.7642 8916 W County Rd 139, Midland, TX 79706

Hydraulic Latch Assembly

Wireline Control Systems' Hydraulic Latch Assebmly (HLA) is a safe and efficient way to connect and disconnect wireline pressure control equipment (PCE) to a wellhead. Operator personnel can connect and disconnect PCE to the wellhead without working on top or adjacent to the wellhead. This automated system hydraulically "locks" and seals the PCE to the wellhead. Operator personnel perform this operation a safe distance from the wellhead using a remote actuator. <br><br>
<div class="vdoimg-hydc"> <a class="vp-a vp-mp4-type" href="https://wirelinecontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Wireline-Control-Systems-Hydraulic-Latch-Assembly-1-1.mp4" data-width="800" data-height="450" data-autoplay="1"><img src="https://wirelinecontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/hay-video.png" /></a> </div>
<h3 style="margin-bottom:0;"> Advantages of using the Hydraulic Latch Assembly </h3> <ul class="rcvr-ulli"> <li>Eliminates the Need to Send Someone in a Man-Basket into the Hot Zone</li> <li>Best Option in Safety - HLA is a Fail-Safe Hydraulic Lock</li> <li>Repairs can be Done in the Field</li> <li>Visual Indicators Help Improve Safety and Operation</li> <li>Multiple Latches can be Operated by Control Boxes</li> </ul>
<h3 style="margin-bottom:0;"> Substantially Improve the Efficiency and Safety of Your Project </h3> <ul class="rcvr-ulli"> <li>Save 20 to 35 Minutes per Well Swap</li> <li>Remote Design Eliminates the Danger of Suspending Personnel to Manually Make Connections</li> </ul>



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